The Cluster

Visual representing the urban logistics element of the cluster mentioned on this page.

Who are we? 

This cluster is an initiative between three co-funded Horizon Europe projects, GREEN-LOG, DECARBOMILE and URBANE, focusing on the take-up and upscale of innovative, safe and sustainable last-mile delivery solutions. The cluster also aims to facilitate lessons learning and sharing at the European level,  notable through the CIVITAS Initiative. 

Our focus

With the goal of improving urban space use, air quality, noise and safety and the overall livability of cities, our three projects are exploring innovative solutions, tools and instruments such as:

  • clean vehicles and modes,
  • dynamic e-routing,
  • load policies, 
  • lockers,
  • micro-consolidation centres,
  • optimised delivery technologies and processes including improved tracking, logistics-as-a-service, delivery robots, multimodal deliveries and AI and CCAM solutions.

Learn more about our fellow projects

The Decarbomille project logo

DECARBOMILE is driving change in the green last-mile logistics space. The project aims to demonstrate the full potential of decarbonised last-mile delivery and promote sustainable practices in the industry, testing solutions.

With Living Labs: Logrono, Nantes, Hamburg, Istanbul 

Duration: 09/2022 – 08/2026

URBANE is a project on novel, sustainable, safe, resilient and effective last-mile delivery solutions, combining green automated vehicles and shared space utilisation models. 

With Living Labs: Helsinki, Bologna, Valladolid, Thessaloniki

Twinning Living Labs: Barcelona, Karlsruhe

Follower Cities: Aarhus, Antwerp, La Rochelle, Mechelen, Prague, Ravenna

Duration: 09/2022 – 02/2026

Cluster joint activities

To learn more about the activities of our cluster, please contact us on